Sunday, September 22, 2024

Massapequa Preserve

 I met Snouty at the preserve since it was nice and sunny - we tried looking in the "Connecticut Warbler spot" but had no luck - 2 groups of people with unleashed dogs didn't help.  Before he arrived, I saw an oriole and a thrush with spots on it's chest/ belly - presumably a Swainson's Thrush?  The rest of the time we saw Cedar Waxwings, Robins and Red Eye Vireos feeding on the berries at "the fruiting tree".

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Massapequa Preserve

 I went to the preserve in the morning for a little while - it has been a year since 2 Connecticut Warblers (possibly 3) were seen at the preserve.  I did a decent search of the area but no luck.  (north side of the Pittsburgh Ave Pond.  I did see a group of around 7 or 8 Green Winged Teals that seemed skittish but the highlight was a Philly Vireo by the Pittusburgh Ave entrance near the "fruiting tree".  Later on at home, I saw a group of 5 ravens - this is the second time I saw them recently.  There's a larger one that flys off on it's own while the other 4 go there way.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Massapequa/ Home

 I saw 4 Ravens flying by my house moving towards the preserve - later on, I saw a single Raven.  I also saw a Red Tailed Hawk soaring overhead and what I presume was a Cooper's Hawk.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Massapequa/ home

 For the last 2 days, there has been a Common Yellowthroat in my crape myrtles feeding on the yellowjacks/ other bugs that are attracted to the flowers.

Massapequa Preserve

 I went to the preserve before work - highlight was a Veery that was in the "shrubs" next to the Pittsburgh Place pond.  They're weren't the Veery song that they're known for - it was more of a bunch of toots and tweets - similar to what I imagine they sound like when they migrate at night.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Massapequa Preserve

 Great day at the preserve!!! saw Redstarts, Black and White Warblers, 1 Yellow Warbler, Cedar Waxwings, Blackburnian, Cape May (was "dull" but saw the stripes on it's body, Nashville, Blue Headed Vireo, Pewee and 2 Wood Ducks.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

home/ Massapequa

 After the preserve, I was feeling a little unsatisfied, so I spent some time on the patio in my yard - I was delighted to see at least 3 Hummingbirds flyover as well as a Baltimore Oriole that was in my neighbor's and my tree.