I went to HLSP with my dog in the morning - saw lots of cool but common birds - lots of Red Eye Vireos, desparately trying to find a lifer Philly Vireo. I saw a report of a Mourning Warbler on the north end of the state park but figured it's not worth dragging the dog all the way over there.
Well, FML, shortly after, there was a report of a Connecticut Warbler - I rushed over there with Rob P who I had met...no sign of the Connecticut Warbler.
For whatever reason, this season seemed to be THE season for Connecticut Warblers. Usually skulky and a pain to find, there were reports all over Lond Island rcently including Belmont Lake, out east, all over actually. Still need it as a lifer.
As of now, besides Connecticut Warbler, my local "wish list" includes Kentucky Warbler, Acadian Flycatcher, and Philadelphia Vireo. I have to say it was very frustrating not seeing a CT Warbler this season while it seemed "evertyone else" did. It actually made me consider gicing up birding as a hobby. It didn't help that I haven't seen any other life birds in a while either.