Monday, May 25, 2020

Notes from May Migration Season

Some notes from this past May.  I don't have much free time to blog so I'll combine my notes into one post.  This migration was odd - low numbers but OK diversity.  There seemed to be more Bay Breasted Warblers than normal along with decent amounts of late Acadian Flycatchers - still need Acadian, my new nemesis bird.

May 25th
Nickerson, 2 Gull Billed Terns
Lido, Willow Flycatcher, Little Blue Heron

May 17th
HLSP, Blackpolls!, Bay Breasted
(also heard Blackpolls in my hood around this time)

May 16th
HLSP, Least Flycatchers, Nashville Warbler

May 10th
HLSP, 10 Warbler day including Cape May and Wilson's

May 5th, Bobwhite calling and seen a block away from my house

May 2nd, HLSP, Warblers