Saturday, August 24, 2024

home/ Massapequa

 After the preserve, I was feeling a little unsatisfied, so I spent some time on the patio in my yard - I was delighted to see at least 3 Hummingbirds flyover as well as a Baltimore Oriole that was in my neighbor's and my tree.

Massapequa Preserve

 There were a lot less birds/ warblers today but still "good" for Massapequa Preserve.  I was happy to see a male Redstart (been seeing LOTS of females/ immatures) I think I saw 2 Canada Warblers and a Nashville.....the birds have been bouncing around like crazy - hard to get photos.  There were a good amount of Great Crested Flycatchers - when I think about it, they're one of those birds that are overlooked because they're "common" and not appreciated by many birders because they're not rare - but that's my opinion.  On the way out, I saw a Cooper's Hawk

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Massapequa Preserve, migration

 The last 2 days have been unsually cool for Long Island in August..but that has helped push through some early migrants.  I was working in the office yesterday and there was a lot of sightings so I took advantage this morning since I was WFH and went to the preserve before work.  It was hopping a lot with a lot of activity.  I saw swifts and swallows, Red Eyed and a Warbling Vireo, Great Crested Flycatcher but the highlight was a lot of warblers: Magnolia, Black Throated Greens, Black and Whites, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow, Chestnut Sided, female Redstarts, a Parula, a Blackburnian and a surprise Canada Warbler and 1 or 2 Blue Winged Warblers (11 warbler species)