Sunday, May 5, 2019

Timber Point: Common Greenshank

I was notified of a report of a Common Greenshank at Timber Point golf course - at first I didn't think I could go but a series of unusual circumstances made it possible.  I didn't stay long but got decent looks at it.  It stood out from surrounding Greater Yellowlegs because it was much paler.  I could also see that the bird was more upturned than the Yellowlegs.  I was especially happy to get this lifer since there were reports of Golden Winged Warblers and Kentucky Warblers in the NYC area that I would like to see but wasn't able to.

Common Greenshank (center)


  1. I'm a beginner, was there that day to shoot some osprey and egrets with my new Canon 100-400 lens, stumbled across a large group of people, stopped to see what was going on, i'm not a birder by any means but got to see a rare sighting :)

  2. hi, I think I saw your post on Long Island was a rare sighting, glad you were in the right place at the right time
