Thursday, June 20, 2024


 I heard a bird outside on my patio - went outside and saw a female House Sparrow flapping its wings, chirping, and sitting on the arm of my patio chair - she didn't seemed bothered by me - since it was hot out, I assumed it was thirsty so I got a small container for water and gave it to the bird by hand, it seemed to have a sip and then flew away.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Flamingo, Georgica Pond, East Hampton

 I had some time in the morning and the continuing flamingo was still reported - since I hadn't seen it well at Cedat/ Gilgo Beach I decided to go and have a look. After dealing with disgusting hamptons traffic, bad navigation on my iphone, a parking ticket compliments of East Hampton's finest, I was able to see the flamingo a lot better but was still somehwat distant.  Most of the time I was there it had it's necka dn head tucked in but a few brief times I was able to see it's head/ beak and get a couple of photos.  Cool bird - overall was worth the trouble and effort.  I also saw a Royal Tern calling that flew right over me.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Bryant Park - Mourning Warbler - X

 There were reports of Mourning Warblers continuing at Bryant Park - there was a male in "good plumage" in the locust trees in front of the library.  I took a chance after work and drove over there but gave up because there were too many people around and didn't want to deal with them.  

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Cedar Beach Marina

 I was able to get out early in the morning, so I went to Cedar Beach hoping the flamingo was back but it wasn't.  I did some several groups of Glossy Ibis fly by, heard a Clapper Rail, saw a Little Blue Heron and Tri-Colored Heron flyover and heard a Willow Flycatcher calling from the shrubs by the parking lot - still haven't actually seen one yet this year.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

"The Flamingo"

 There were reports of a flamingo out by Georgica Pond, East Hampton, around Captree Island, then at Cape Cod? and then again today at Cedar Beach Marina - assuming it is the same bird for now.  It was reported today..initial chasers didn't see it but someone from out of the area saw it in the distance with a scope towards Robert Moses Bridge.  After work I raced over there where other birders were viewing it from the platform that goes out into the marsh.  I couldn't see it with my meager spare bins I keep in the car so another birder Pat Lindsay let me use her scope.  I tried many times to see it despite her obvious/ clear viewing instructions (I still feel bad for taking her time and effort up).  Finally I saw "it" very far in the distance.  not the best or even good looks at all but enough to say "I saw it".  I believe I saw a flamingo once flying over when I was in Arub but couldn't confirm it enough to personally consider it a "lifer".  I do count me seeing the flamingo today enough that I would count it as a lifer.  I couldn't make out the shape well but the colors popped enough in the twilight hours that I know I was "seeing" the bird.  Other birders were posting negative sightings on the whatsapp group I'm on - I had a feeling they should check out the vantage points from the end of the dock that sticks into marsh....looking back I should have  - I just assumed everyone else would have searched the same way I would.