Sunday, July 12, 2015

Jones Beach West End: Red Phalarope Part 2, Nickerson Beach, Lido Beach Preserve

The main reason I went back to the ponds at Jones Beach West End was the hope of finding a Pectoral Sandpiper - I've heard there were some sightings - would be a lifer for me - I sometimes feel embarassed when I tell other birders this - I've seen all sorts of rare birds (ie the Red Phalarope, California Condor etc) but not this apparently common shorebird.

So, didn't see one and I was the only one looking for the Phalarope until a couple came by when I was leaving - they mentioned they were from Westchester so I figured I would point out their target bird.

The Red Phalarope was on the westernmost pond now - was resting until a gull flew overhead and startled it - it took off but then came back.  Other reports mentioned it's missing a foot - I didn't confirm that from my photos yet, but the bird does seem to have trouble walking sometimes.  Regardless, she's a truly beautiful bird.

Stopped by Nickerson and Lido Beach Preserve where I saw the usual suspects - Black Skimmers, Common Terns, Laughing Gulls, Glossy Ibis, Osprey, Willlet, Least Sandpiper.

Red Phalarope

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