Sunday, May 30, 2021

Kentucky Warbler!!!

 I have about four birds that I would consider my "nemesis" birds: Acadian Flycatcher, Connecticut Warbler, Philadelphia Vireo and Kentucky Warbler.  I've tried but struck out trying to see/ chase these birds on multiple occasions.  There was a Kentucky Warbler recently reported at Cunningham Park by Fresh Meadows, Queens but I wasn't able to go for it, plus the weather over the Memorial Day Weekend was cold and rainy.  The bird hadn't been reported on e-bird for a few days but I figured if there's any decent chance of seeing this bird, I should just go and try for it.  When I arrived at Cunningham Park I had no idea how to navigate myself to where the bird had been because the google map thing I was using wasn't working.  I drove around a little trying to find the spot and the best place to park.  I found a spot in the nearby neighborhood and crossed over a highway on a weedy pedestrian bridge to the general area where it was seen.  This area of the park was surprisingly woodsy and had lots of plants/ trees but also had narrow trails with poison ivy everywhere.  I had played the Kentucky Warbler call in the car earlier so I knew what to listen for.  I heard one bird with a call that I wasn't familiar with but it didn't sound like a Kentucky Warbler.  I walked around the curved paths in the park and basically gave up any chance I had to see the bird.  I was about to leave but gave it one last try and continued on the path when I heard a rather loud call that I thought was someone blasting a Kentucky Warbler song from a speaker.  When I realized I was alone I knew the chase was on for this bird.  I actually got so excited as I ran to where the bird was that I got light headed.  I was hearing the bird loud and clear at one spot and as I scanned with my bins I found the bird right out in the open perched on bare branches of a fallen tree.  I got the camera out to get some bad photos since it was cloudy and the area was very shaded.  As I was there, the bird was flying back and forth a bit.  I was able to get some better photos and at one point the bird flew closer to me, but I wasn't able to see it.  As I walked away it was nice to hear the bird still calling loudly.  I'm happy I finally got to see this bird (nemesis bird no more)  Hopefully I'll get lucky again soon and see some more lifers.  While I was there, I also saw Warbling Vireos, Black and White Warbler, male Redstarts, saw and heard a Wood Thrush, fledgling and nesting Robins.  Also saw my FOS Great Crested Flycatcher.

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