Saturday, February 22, 2014

Massapequa Preserve, Jones Beach West End, Meadowbrook Parkway

I was at Massapequa Preserve around 2:30 but not much going on (only there 30 minutes) I was mainly looking for the Screech Owl, but found an American Wigeon, Mallards and Chickadees.

I drove to Jones Beach West End around 4pm - at Field 10, saw one loon and gulls...the Coast Guard Station marina had a female Bufflehead with 2 Horned Grebes as company, also saw 2 Long Tailed Ducks in the distance. Nothing going along the road or median, but there was a Snowy Owl on top of one of the dunes.

I drove North on Meadowbrook Parkway looking for the reported Rough Legged Hawk, but only found a juvenile Red Tailed Hawk. I saw about 100 blackbirds  - with help from some ABA  - they're actually Boat Tailed Grackles (not Rusty Blackbirds).

American Wigeon - Massapequa Preserve

Horned Grebe - Jones Beach Coast Guard

Snowy Owl - Jones Beach West End

Boat Tailed Grackles
Boat Tailed Grackles

Red Tailed Hawk (juvenile) - off Meadowbrook Parkway


  1. It is had to tell from the photos but they look like Rusty Blackbirds. They are not Boat-tailed Grackles. The tails are to short for Boat-tails

  2. Is there a particular reason that these blackbirds can't be Common Crackle Juveniles? The tails are far too short and most even have the slight yellow tinge on the throat like the Common.
